What is Qigong and Tai Chi?

(pronounced chee-gong), the practice of energy cultivation, and Tai Chi (pronounced tie-chee), the practice of balance and harmony, are ancient Chinese exercises that promote optimal health, vitality and longevity.  The exercises greatly reduce stress of all kinds and gives the practitioner a sense of peace and happiness.


“When you cultivate balance and harmony within yourself, or in the world — that is Tai Chi.  When you work and play with the essence and energy of life, nature and the universe for healing, clarity and inner peace — that is Qigong.”  Roger Jahnke

Benefits of TaiChiEasy™.
Gaining popularity as an evidence-based and cost-effective health intervention that works for any population. It uses slow and careful movement without strain to strengthen the body’s own healing forces and is medically proven to:

  • Support disease prevention
  • Accelerate healing
  • Reduce stress
  • Radically reduce medical costs – with little expense for large populations

These self-applied health enhancement methods cost nothing, cause no negative side effects, and may be used anytime and anywhere by anyone.